Comprehensive solutions to develop a school culture of awareness and SEL.

INTEGRATIVE School Day Programs
Devoting valuable classroom time to well-being and SEL practices is a way to empower our students with the lift-long learning tools that will serve them long into adulthood, such as being self-aware and collaborative, while it also gives us the space to practice taking care of ourselves.
Complementary to the school's existing curriculum our sessions provide tools and techniques for managing stress, supporting academic achievement, fostering a positive classroom culture, and improving teacher-student relationships. ​
The field of SEL has grown significantly within the past five years due through alarming rates of school shootings, student suicides, bullying, incidents of racial injustice, and absenteesim.
Our mission is to empower and educate youth through SEL. We create classrooms that embody a culture of compassion and inclusion, support whole child development, and enhance student success, one mindful moment at a time. We are driven by our commitment to provide high quality programs that foster personal development, well-being, and positive connections within schools and communities.

We strive to overcome together humanities global challenges by using awareness and wellness as a vehicle for healing and social change.
Our vision is for every school to be a mindful community in which all students can learn, thrive, and become compassionate citizens empowered to strengthen the well-being of the world and faciliate the foundations of mind-body and SEL-practices to support their mental health.
Enter, SEL
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is defined by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) as the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions, and achieve personal and collevtive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.” (CASEL 2020)
The figure on the right offers a visual representation of SEL emphasizing the balance between Intrapersonal and the Interpersonal.
The process of finding this balance is aligned with 5 CASEL competencies to cultivate tthe students' skillset and help them living a more peaceful life:
Relationship Skills and
Responsible Decision Making.
Mindfulness practices give learners the tools to be present-be in the moment-without fear, shame, or judgment of self or others. Research demonstrates that cultivating these SEL skills, help individuals thrive in all aspects of their day-to-day life, both personally and academically (CASEL). Practicing mindfulness in schools gives the students to tools to mitigate the factors that often negatively impact learning (hunger, fear, pain) so they are empowered to be present and ready to learn - about themselves, their peers, and your academic content.

While SEL certainly is only a piece of a larger solution, recent analyses demonstrate that incorporating such programs into the classroom can have a profound impact on student outcomes and school climate. For instance, researchers Durlak, Weissberg, et al. found that schools with SEL programs in place saw better academic performance and improved student attitudes and behaviors, with less negative behaviors and bolstered emotional states (CASEL, 2015). By focusing energy on equipping individual students with the tools they need for personal development, to better manage their own emotions and connect with their peers, schools empowered students to achieve more and to cultivate connectivity. What’s personal becomes intrinsically interpersonal so as students succeed, the school culture shifts too.
The cherry on top? In addition to supporting social and emotional outcomes, Trust'in'You also gets students moving, and supports key components of student health through physical activity. With Trust'in'You, teachers are able to explicitly teach SEL topics like self-awareness through the movement itself: allowing students to give an experience a name and to embody that concept while developing strength and flexibility.

We offer free demonstration classes for both educators and students so everyone can experience firsthand the benefits of our impactful B4R-program - combining body-awareness, mindfulness and breathing techniques - fostering a sense of well-being and mindfulness among your students and educators.